Budweiser hijacked the sponsorship of the Olympic games by creating a 70 foot blimp shaped like a goal light in hockey game. This goal light shape blimp would then light up every time team Canada scored.They hijacked the Olympic games because they were not the official sponsors of the National hockey team. Budweiser was outbid by Molsen. However the blimp made it seem as if Budweiser was still the official sponsor.
2) Do you think Budweiser was successful in drawing attention to their brand?
I think Budweiser was very successful in drawing attention to their brand because it is getting a lot of media buzz and it was a very creative way to advertiser their company. If a company gets this much attention then I would deem it successful to drawing (for the most part) positive attention to their company.
3) How did Budweiser use methods employed by culture-jammers to undermine their competition?
They made a bigger and bolder "ad" to overcome Molsen (who they lost the national hockey league sponsorship title to). The COC and Molsen both believe that Budweiser were playing foul, however Labatt (the owner of Labatt Breweries of Canada) thinks that Budweiser were just promoting their beer in a clever way. He believes "it kept promoting the blimp openly -- and stealing Olympic buzz". This displeased a lot of people because it made Molsen look less superior to Budweiser because Molsen didn't have a massive blimp flying around and lighting up whenever team Canada scored. These are the methods Budweiser used to become superior to their competition.
This is the link to the article the globe and mail wrote regarding the advertising in the olympics: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/olympics-advertising-who-won-who-lost/article17060580/
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