Three key postmodern features are fragmented subjectivity, rejection of universality and mom-linearity. These are just three of the postmodern texts that are shown in this film, however many more are shown throughout the film.
Fragmented Subjectivity: Fragmented subjectivity occurs when the different views of the bus crash are shown to us through different character. Each character has a different point of view of what happened in the bus crash, therefore they have very differing opinions of exactly what happened.
Intertextuality: Intertextuality occurs throughout this movie because it is based off the book The Sweet Hereafter. The movie is said to be very true to the book, as well some of the script is very similar to the actual dialogue in the book. Therefore I would consider this to be intertextuality.
Non-linearity: Non-linearity occurs when the time shifts from the present to the past and is continuously going back and forth. When the lawyer is trying to figure out who was responsible for the bus crash the film is in the present moment, however when the characters are remembering scenes before, during and just after the crash it all takes place in the past.