Thursday, 7 November 2013

Rob Ford Scandal

  1. Who made - and who sponsored - this message, and for what purpose?

The Daily show is the one who created this video. The purpose of this news report is to make fun of politicians (specifically Rob Ford in this video) from a very leftist- wing point of view.

2.                  Who is the target audience, and how is the message specifically tailored to them?

The target audience of this message is for the people of Toronto, for whom this story is relevant.  People in Toronto know that Rob Ford is not doing a great job representing our city and his poor judgement and lack of insight have become a joke to everyone around the world. Jon Stewart makes this report very amusing and funny, therefore making this message geared towards Torontonians.

3.                  What are the different techniques used to inform, persuade, entertain, and attract attention?

Jon Stewart is a brilliant political satirist, who through the use of wit and sarcasm denounces Rob Ford.  He does this by using video clips of Rob Fords’ radio apology (but chosen specifically to humor the public), and showing pictures with large eye catching slogans to grab the audience’s attention.

4.                  What messages are communicated (and/or implied) about certain people, places, events, behaviours, lifestyles, etc.

The message communicated through this video suggests that Rob Ford is a bad influence on Toronto, and therefore should not be running the city.   Rob Ford should get his ** together because he is the mayor of Toronto and his behavior is completely inappropriate for someone of his rank.  Apologies are meaningless in the face of continuous lies.  Unfortunately, the show also communicates that while Toronto has Rob Ford as its mayor, it is a less desirable place for people to visit.

5.                  How current, accurate, and credible is the information in this message?

The information in this video is credible because Jon Stewart is showing much seen footage of Rob Ford either apologising, admitting or lying about different things people have accused him of doing. The clips and pictures have been aired on Toronto T.V. and radio stations.

6.                  What is left out of this message that might be important to know?

Chief Bill Blair’s opinion has been left out of this message. He would be important to mention in this video because he is the one who came out and said they (being the police) have the video of Rob Ford smoking Crack-Cocaine and making racist and homophobic remarks. Even though the point of this video is to make fun of Rob Ford essentially it would have completed the truth about why Rob Ford is coming out and making all of these big apology statements to the public.  


Here is the link to the Jon Stewart video:

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